Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 5 Radium Hot Springs, AB, Canada

So our destination in Canada was Banff National Park. Unfortunately we didn't make it there the first day. We have now learned that when you use the iphone app to search for campgrounds in a certain area, it will give you results up to 100 miles away. So we reserved a site for the night in what we though was a town just outside of Banff, but actually ended up being over an hour and a half out of the actual city of Banff.

So our first day in Canada was spent just cruising the countryside on our bike and enjoying the majestic Rockies. Of course we also had to stop and feed some horses on the way. Alex tried to feed the cows apples too, but they just stared at him condescendingly.

We also learned at a local cafe that that the Canadians have a drink called a 'canadiana' that is coffee with a shot of espresso (also referred to as a shot in the dark), which they conveniently placed on the menu next to the americano with the description "hot water with a shot of espresso". We were very amused by their trying to one up America and of course ordered them.

We also checked out the hot springs, the main attraction of the town, but found them completely packed to the brim with people so we didn't even stay. And there's something about hot springs on a really hot day that isn't exactly very appealing.

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